The call… came….

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I was a cold fall night.
As I was used to do, I get into a chat to meet someone. Having always loads of stuff to do, I decided to leave my computer with automatic answers on.
The message brought back to a know social media platform to contact directly.

I couldn’t get into the chat for the whole following day. It was about lunch time when I got a message on that social media. There were a lot of texts, but one in particular left me speechless and very interested at the same time.
After various texts, I decided to ask for her number and we started talking about this and that of my world…

I just remember the call lasted for about 3 hours or so. And that this call was mainly panted and full of orgasms.

I could tell you I heard her more orgasmic than with a normal voice, as her pleasure covered the conversation completely.
During the talk, though, between an orgasm and the other, we talked about us… and the future that could be impending, but very exciting.

I can’t deny tat, the idea of whispering to her ear what I had in mind and also what I was telling her, arouses me, but her pleasure was so hard it covered it completely!

To finish off, what can I say, WHEN WILL YOU MOVE IN MY AREA?

(Who knows if I’ll ever hear again from her… Who knows!)